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192 vezes jogado
Jogo adicionado: October 26 2015
Descrição: Play as an evil, insane Rogue Artificial Intelligence! Infiltrate facilities and hack Mainframes to take over the entire world. Choose between violent and pacifist approaches, and pick any combination of 25 powerful upgrades! = update = By popular demand: the first update has been rolled out. - Losing all Cycles will give you 10 extra seconds before you lose the level - Electric locks and Sniper mode can now be toggled. - Added new skill: PA Announcement. - Unused cycles at the end of each level will be automatically converted into cash - Zombies are now free, but have a lower chance of respawning
Instruções: If the humans are giving you problems, you can click the bots to hack them. Then the humans will stop giving you problems, because they are dead. Mouse controlled: click to activate objects. Optionally, you can use the arrow keys to scroll.
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    gameblocks (51) - May 4 2017, 08:54
    nossa que legal nunca jogei um jogo assim

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